But on to my break-down of the resolutions I did make:
Sewing and life goals for 2012:
- Find a job that I love! Or just a job that pays me :) While I am still unemployed, I'm doing data entry for some people to get just a little cash in my pocket. And I've been on 3 interviews in the past week and a half. So if you have a job, even if you hate it, take a moment to appreciate that you're employed.
Be ok with possibly having to move away from family and friends for that job.No moving in the near future, yay! Erm, at least not farther than like 20 minutes away.- Make a king-size quilt for my bed [got some design choices]. I picked a design! And I'm sticking to it! Actually. I picked 2. I think I will make a simple one and a more complex one. I'll be showing the designs next week! Now, to pick fabric :)
- Get better at FMQ other than stippling. I did some FMQ pebbles and zigzags on my Pillow Talk pillow! [And that pattern may be coming to a friendly publication near you in the near future ;) ]. I really want to do some swirly designs next.
- Make some clothing [already have a dress pattern and the Schoolhouse Tunic pattern!] As you all have noticed, this has been a very productive clothing month! I've made my 2nd Schoolhouse Tunic, made a Sorbetto, am halfway done with my Banksia, and have several yards of corduroy, knit jersey, and a netted jersey with which to make more stuff. Next thing to tackle: skirts :)
- Bake more. Not just desserts. Because I do that plenty. Breads and healthier stuff. Hm, this has fallen off a little this month. We have been pretty bad about food this month due to various factors I won't mention. I've tried several recipes over the past month that have just been lackluster, and one was so bad we had to throw it out :(
- Have a smoothie in the morning at least every other day [almost to this frequency!] And add things like spinach to them. Yes! Spinach in a smoothie last week! Spinach, strawberries, bananas, mangos, pineapple, and peach juice. Verdict: delicious! And while it was a bizarre color, Stephen and I decided we weren't turned off to the smoothie by the color. Yay!
- I'd love to learn to knit, but have tried many many times, and it hasn't clicked yet. It's officially in the high 80's every day here, so this is on the backburner. Thoughts of knitting in the Florida heat actually make me shudder haha.
- Purchase all new living room furniture. We are definitely getting new couches when we move next month! Yay! The frame on our love seat is broken, but we moved it to our current apartment anyways. My boyfriend's little brother is moving out on his own, so we're giving him first dibs at any of the furniture/stuff we're getting rid of!
- Join a sewing bee [this is amusing, because almost every blogger that I've read has said they want to decrease the number of bees and swaps they're in. Makes room for me I guess!] No go on this.
Would absolutely love to be able to attend the Sewing Summit. And hopefully by October I'll get over fears of going somewhere to meet people that I've never met in person :)Well, I had made myself a deal. At the beginning of March I told myself that if I had a job by the time tickets went on sale that I'd go. That isn't looking good at this point ha. And then about 2 weeks ago we found out that some friends of ours had decided their wedding date. We knew it was going to be in October, and wouldn't you know, it's the Friday of Sewing Summit. Now, if it was a Saturday wedding I could probably have gone to both things, but I wouldn't miss their wedding. I'll just have to live vicariously through everyone else.- Project 366. I've become a lot more comfortable with just pulling out my phone and taking a picture, and the camera isn't half bad, so I'm hoping that a combo of phone and real camera photos will document 2012! Yay, still going strong! Must start taking more pictures with my camera and not my phone, though. I mean, none of these photos are awesome enough to want to print and have framed, but I've never printed a picture I've taken with my phone, and am worried about the quality...does anyone else have that problem?
Did you have any 2012 resolutions, sewing or otherwise? Are you keeping up with them?