Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cover quilt of Quilty

What a happy Tuesday!

I took a 5 minute mental break at work and scrolled through Facebook on my phone. Only to see that Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting Facebook page has a poll open for the cover quilt of their September/October issue...

...and the one on the right is mineee!!

I actually went over to my supervisor and said "hey, pretend you care about sewing and quilting for 2.5 seconds so I can tell you some exciting news." She did an admirable job haha.

So if you'd care to vote [you know, you can vote for whichever one you want to, but I'll give you an extra twinkly smile if you vote for mine ;) ] then visit the survey here.

Also, it's hard to read the comments on the Facebook post and not take it personally - I guess I'd never make it in a quilt show.


  1. Congrats!!! That is so exciting! Looks like they are pretty close from the looks of it! I voted for you of course. Try not to worry about what people say. I know it's hard. =/

  2. That's so cool! Congratulations! I've voted for you. Taste is a personal thing so just focus on the positives :)

  3. When I first looked, without reading your post, I automatically was drawn to the one on the right! Don't take the comments to heart, obviously you would do great in a quilt show because Quilty chose you to have your quilt featured! Congrats!!

  4. Congratulations! I voted for your quilt. Love red and white quilts and the pattern is so cute. Hope you get the cover.

  5. Congratulations! Love your quilt! I will go vote now.


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